This series The Seasons Keep Changing was my way of channeling intense and and difficult emotions into a narrative of photographs. At a recent point in my life following a heartbreak, I found myself feeling particularly lonely and confused. On reflection of the last two years of my life, it has become clear to me now that I had stopped growing with this individual, both independently and together, somewhere along the line. Things had become tumultuous and regardless of the obvious decision that was looking me in the eye, I allowed the love I had to dictate the reality I was faced with. Through a very trying and sad process, I have found myself on the other side. The love I had for this boy wasn’t right anymore, I was able to realize this from the person that has been with me far Before the boy and will be in this long After.
The Seasons Keep Changing is indeed about the relationship I had that fell apart, but more importantly, it’s about the one that didn’t. The one that has stayed with me, grew with me, learned with me, and forgave me. Love is cast as some hot pink, roman candle, box of chocolates concept, but that simply couldn’t be further from the truth. The love I shared with this boy is something I will forever cherish, but the love I have for this girl is something that will stick with me until the end.
As my best friend of 10 years, I have collected hundreds of photographs of her. When looking through my past and recent work, I felt inspired to make this final project a tribute to her and a testimony for all the seasons that we’ve been through with one another. I have chronologically arranged the photos from date to date & mood to mood. I have also written personal captions to create the story that I had to tell. It was an interesting process for me to see the the growth of my photography skills in the photos that I included, but it was also my growth as individual that makes this series meaningful. It has reminded me that there is no limit on the number of times you can photograph a person or thing, as long as I am working and developing as an artist. Love can be all the things hallmark sells it be, but for me right now, love is laughter, it is art, it is rollerblading, it is listening, it is forgiveness, it is showing up, and it is through all the seasons.